- attemptSrp
bool attemptSrp(string type, string context)
- certChain
Vector!X509Certificate certChain(Vector!string cert_key_types, string type, string context)
Vector!X509Certificate certChain(T cert_key_types, string type, string context)
Return a cert chain we can use, ordered from leaf to root,
or else an empty vector.
- certChainSingleType
Vector!X509Certificate certChainSingleType(string cert_key_type, string type, string context)
Return a cert chain we can use, ordered from leaf to root,
or else an empty vector.
- channelPrivateKey
PrivateKey channelPrivateKey(string hostname)
In TLSClient, identifies this machine with the server
- hasPsk
bool hasPsk()
Override and return true to signal PSK usage
- privateKeyFor
PrivateKey privateKeyFor(X509Certificate cert, string type, string context)
- psk
SymmetricKey psk(string type, string context, string identity)
- pskIdentity
string pskIdentity(string type, string context, string identity_hint)
- pskIdentityHint
string pskIdentityHint(string type, string context)
- srpIdentifier
string srpIdentifier(string type, string context)
- srpPassword
string srpPassword(string type, string context, string identifier)
- srpVerifier
bool srpVerifier(string type, string context, string identifier, string group_name, BigInt verifier, Vector!ubyte salt, bool generate_fake_on_unknown)
Retrieve SRP verifier parameters
- trustedCertificateAuthorities
Vector!CertificateStore trustedCertificateAuthorities(string type, string context)
Return a list of the certificates of CAs that we trust in this
- verifyCertificateChain
void verifyCertificateChain(string type, string purported_hostname, Vector!X509Certificate cert_chain)
Check the certificate chain is valid up to a trusted root, and
optionally (if hostname != "") that the hostname given is
consistent with the leaf certificate.
Interface for a credentials manager.
A type is a fairly static value that represents the general nature of the transaction occuring. Currently used values are "tls-client" and "tls-server". Context represents a hostname, email address, username, or other identifier.