- createAdoReq
EAC11ADO createAdoReq(PrivateKey key, EAC11Req req, ASN1Car car, RandomNumberGenerator rng)
Create an ADO from a request object.
- createCVCReqImplicitca
EAC11Req createCVCReqImplicitca(PrivateKey prkey, ASN1Chr chr, string hash_alg, RandomNumberGenerator rng)
Create a CVC request. The key encoding will be implicitCA.
- createCvcReq
EAC11Req createCvcReq(PrivateKey key, ASN1Chr chr, string hash_alg, RandomNumberGenerator rng)
Create a CVC request. The key encoding will be according to the provided private key.
- createCvca
EAC11CVC createCvca(PrivateKey key, string hash, ASN1Car car, bool iris, bool fingerpr, uint cvca_validity_months, RandomNumberGenerator rng)
Create a CVCA certificate.
- createSelfSignedCert
EAC11CVC createSelfSignedCert(PrivateKey key, EAC11CVCOptions opt, RandomNumberGenerator rng)
- eac11Encoding
Vector!ubyte eac11Encoding(ECPublicKey key, OID sig_algo)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- encodeEacBigint
void encodeEacBigint(DEREncoder der, BigInt x, ASN1Tag tag)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- linkCvca
EAC11CVC linkCvca(EAC11CVC signer, PrivateKey key, EAC11CVC signee, RandomNumberGenerator rng)
Create a link certificate between two CVCA certificates. The key
encoding will be implicitCA.
- paddingAndHashFromOid
string paddingAndHashFromOid(OID oid)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- signRequest
EAC11CVC signRequest(EAC11CVC signer_cert, PrivateKey key, EAC11Req signee, uint seqnr, uint seqnr_len, bool domestic, uint dvca_validity_months, uint ca_is_validity_months, RandomNumberGenerator rng)
CVC Self-Signed Certificate