Construct a new options object
Mark the certificate as a CA certificate and set the path limit.
Add the key constraints of the KeyUsage extension.
Add constraints to the ExtendedKeyUsage extension.
Add constraints to the ExtendedKeyUsage extension.
Set the notAfter of the certificate.
Set when the certificate should become valid
Check the options set in this object for validity.
the subject challenge password
the subject common name
The key constraints for the subject public key
the subject counry
the subject DNS
the subject email adress
the subject notAfter
The key extended constraints for the subject public key
the subject IPv4 address
Indicates whether the certificate request
the subject locality
the subject organizational unit
the subject organization
Indicates the BasicConstraints path limit
the subject serial number
the subject notBefore
the subject state
the subject URI
the subject XMPP
Options for X.509 certificates.