
Get a cipher object. Factory method for general symmetric cipher filters.

  1. KeyedFilter getCipher(string algo_spec, SymmetricKey key, InitializationVector iv, CipherDir direction)
    in string algo_spec
    in SymmetricKey key
    in InitializationVector iv
    CipherDir direction
  2. KeyedFilter getCipher(string algo_spec, SymmetricKey key, CipherDir direction)
  3. KeyedFilter getCipher(string algo_spec, CipherDir direction)


algo_spec string

the name of the desired cipher

key SymmetricKey

the key to be used for encryption/decryption performed by the filter

iv InitializationVector

the initialization vector to be used

direction CipherDir

determines whether the filter will be an encrypting or decrypting filter

Return Value

pointer to newly allocated encryption or decryption filter
