Return the DER encoding of this keys domain in whatever format is preset for this particular key
Get the domain parameters of this key.
Get the domain parameter encoding to be used when encoding this key.
Get the public point of this key.
Set the domain parameter encoding to be used when encoding this key.
Used for object casting to the right type in the factory.
Get the name of the underlying public key scheme.
Return the estimated strength of the underlying key against the best currently known attack. Note that this ignores anything but pure attacks against the key itself and do not take into account padding schemes, usage mistakes, etc which might reduce the strength. However it does suffice to provide an upper bound.
Get the OID of the underlying public key scheme.
Test the key values for consistency.
Find out the number of message parts supported by this scheme.
Find out the message part size supported by this scheme/key.
Get the maximum message size in bits supported by this public key.
Self-test after loading a key
This class represents abstract ECC public keys. When encoding a key via an encoder that can be accessed via the corresponding member functions, the key will decide upon its internally stored encoding information whether to encode itself with or without domain parameters, or using the domain parameter oid. Furthermore, a public key without domain parameters can be decoded. In that case, it cannot be used for verification until its domain parameters are set by calling the corresponding member function.