- eraseChars
string eraseChars(string str, char[] chars)
Erase characters from a string
- ipv4ToString
string ipv4ToString(uint ip)
Convert an IPv4 address to a string
- parseAlgorithmName
Vector!string parseAlgorithmName(string scan_name)
Parse a SCAN-style algorithm name
- parseAsn1Oid
Vector!uint parseAsn1Oid(string oid)
- replaceChar
string replaceChar(string str, char from_char, char to_char)
Replace a character in a string
- replaceChars
string replaceChars(string str, char[] chars, char to_char)
Replace a character in a string
- splitOnPred
Vector!string splitOnPred(string str, bool delegate(char) pred)
Split a string on a character predicate
- splitter
Vector!string splitter(string str, char delim)
- stringJoin
string stringJoin(Vector!string strs, char delim)
- stringToIpv4
uint stringToIpv4(string str)
Convert a string representation of an IPv4 address to a number
- x500NameCmp
bool x500NameCmp(string name1, string name2)
Compare two names using the X.509 comparison algorithm
Various string utils and parsing functions