1 /**
2 * TLS Blocking API
3 * 
4 * Copyright:
5 * (C) 2013,2015 Jack Lloyd
6 * (C) 2014-2015 Etienne Cimon
7 *
8 * License:
9 * Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see LICENSE.md)
10 */
11 module botan.tls.blocking;
13 import botan.constants;
14 static if (BOTAN_HAS_TLS):
16 import std.exception : enforce;
17 import botan.tls.client;
18 import botan.tls.server;
19 import botan.rng.rng;
20 import botan.tls.channel;
21 import botan.tls.session_manager;
22 import botan.tls.version_;
23 import botan.utils.mem_ops;
24 import memutils.circularbuffer;
25 import memutils.utils;
26 import std.algorithm;
28 alias DataReader = ubyte[] delegate(ubyte[]);
30 /**
31 * Blocking TLS Channel
32 */
33 struct TLSBlockingChannel
34 {
35 public:
36     @disable this(this);
37     @disable this();
39     /// Client constructor
40     this(DataReader read_fn,
41          DataWriter write_fn,
42 		 OnAlert alert_cb,
43 		 OnHandshakeComplete hs_cb,
44          TLSSessionManager session_manager,
45          TLSCredentialsManager creds,
46          TLSPolicy policy,
47          RandomNumberGenerator rng,
48          in TLSServerInformation server_info = TLSServerInformation(),
49          in TLSProtocolVersion offer_version = TLSProtocolVersion.latestTlsVersion(),
50          Vector!string next_protocols = Vector!string())
51     {
52         m_is_client = true;
53         m_read_fn = read_fn;
54 		m_alert_cb = alert_cb;
55 		m_handshake_complete = hs_cb;
56 		m_readbuf = Vector!ubyte(TLS_DEFAULT_BUFFERSIZE);
57 		scope(failure) m_readbuf.destroy();
58         m_impl.client = new TLSClient(write_fn, &dataCb, &alertCb, &handshakeCb, session_manager, creds,
59             policy, rng, server_info, offer_version, next_protocols.move);
60     }
62     /// Server constructor
63     this(DataReader read_fn,
64          DataWriter write_fn,
65 		 OnAlert alert_cb,
66 		 OnHandshakeComplete hs_cb,
67          TLSSessionManager session_manager,
68          TLSCredentialsManager creds,
69          TLSPolicy policy,
70          RandomNumberGenerator rng,
71          NextProtocolHandler next_proto = null,
72 		 SNIHandler sni_handler = null,
73          bool is_datagram = false,
74          size_t io_buf_sz = 16*1024)
75     {
76         m_is_client = false;
77         m_read_fn = read_fn;
78 		m_alert_cb = alert_cb;
79 		m_handshake_complete = hs_cb;
80 		m_readbuf = Vector!ubyte(TLS_DEFAULT_BUFFERSIZE);
81 		scope(failure) m_readbuf.destroy();
82         m_impl.server = new TLSServer(write_fn, &dataCb, &alertCb, &handshakeCb, session_manager, creds,
83 			policy, rng, next_proto, sni_handler, is_datagram, io_buf_sz);
84     }
86     /**
87     * Blocks until the full handhsake is complete
88     */
89     void doHandshake()
90 	{
91         while (!m_closed && channel !is null && !channel.isActive())
92         {
93             ubyte[] readref = m_readbuf.ptr[0 .. m_readbuf.length];
94             const ubyte[] from_socket = m_read_fn(readref);
95 			enforce(channel!is null, "Connection closed during handshake");
96             channel.receivedData(cast(const(ubyte)*)from_socket.ptr, from_socket.length);
97         }
98     }
100     /**
101     * Number of bytes pending read in the plaintext buffer (bytes
102     * readable without blocking)
103     */
104 	size_t pending() const { return m_plaintext.length; }
106 	/// Returns an array of pending data
107 	const(ubyte)[] peek() {
108 		return m_plaintext.length > 0 ? m_plaintext.peek : null;
109 	}
111     /// Reads until the destination ubyte array is full, utilizing internal buffers if necessary
112     void read(ubyte[] dest) 
113     {
114 		enforce(dest.length > 0, "Empty destination array");
115 		ubyte[] destlog = dest;
116 		//logDebug("remaining length: ", dest.length);
117         ubyte[] remaining = dest;
118         while (remaining.length > 0) {
119             dest = readBuf(remaining);
120 			enforce(dest.length > 0, "readBuf returned 0 length (connection closed)");
121             remaining = remaining[dest.length .. $];
122 			//logDebug("remaining length: ", remaining.length);
123         }
124 		//logDebug("finished with: ", cast(string) destlog);
125     }
127     /**
128     * Blocking ( if !pending() ) read, will return at least 1 ubyte or 0 on connection close
129     *  supports replacement of internal read buffer when called until buf.length != returned buffer length
130     */
131 	ubyte[] readBuf(ubyte[] buf)
132     {
133 		m_reading = true;
134 		scope(exit) m_reading = false;
136 		if (m_plaintext.length != 0) {
137 			size_t len = min(m_plaintext.length, buf.length);
138 			m_plaintext.read(buf[0 .. len]);
139 			return buf[0 .. len];
140 		}
142         // if there's nothing in the buffers, read some packets and process them
143 		while (m_plaintext.empty)
144         {
145 			ubyte[] slice;
146 			if (m_readbuf.length > 0) {
147 				slice = m_readbuf.ptr[0 .. m_readbuf.length];
148 			}
149 			const ubyte[] from_socket = m_read_fn(slice);
150 			if (from_socket.length == 0)
151 				return null;
153 			enforce(channel !is null, "Connection closed while reading from TLS Channel");
154 			channel.receivedData(cast(const(ubyte)*)from_socket.ptr, from_socket.length);
156 			if (from_socket.length == slice.length && m_readbuf.length < 256*1024) {
157 				size_t next_len = m_readbuf.length * 2;
158 				m_readbuf.destroy();
159 				m_readbuf = Vector!ubyte(next_len);
160 				// increase for next time
161 			}
163         }
165 		if (buf.length == 0) return null;
167         const size_t returned = std.algorithm.min(buf.length, m_plaintext.length);
168 		if (returned == 0) {
169 			//logDebug("Destroyed return object");
170 			return null;
171 		}
172 		m_plaintext.read(buf[0 .. returned]);
175 		//logDebug("Returning data");
176         return buf[0 .. returned];
177     }
179 	void write(in ubyte[] buf) { 
180 		m_writing = true;
181 		scope(exit) m_writing = false;
183 		enforce(channel !is null, "Connection closed when attempting to write to channel"); 
184 		channel.send(cast(const(ubyte)*)buf.ptr, buf.length);
185 	}
187     inout(TLSChannel) underlyingChannel() inout { return channel; }
189 	void close() { enforce(channel); m_closed = true; channel.close(); }
191 	bool isClosed() const { return m_closed || m_impl.client is null; }
193 	@property bool isBusy() const { return m_reading || m_writing; }
195 	const(Vector!X509Certificate) peerCertChain() const { enforce(channel); return channel.peerCertChain(); }
197 	~this()
198 	{
199 		if (isBusy) return;
200 		if (m_is_client)
201 			m_impl.client.destroy(); 
202 		else m_impl.server.destroy();
203 	}
205     /**
206      * get handshake complete notifications
207     */
208     @property void onHandshakeComplete(OnHandshakeComplete handshake_complete)
209     { m_handshake_complete = handshake_complete; }
211     /**
212     * get notification of alerts 
213     */
214     @property void onAlertNotification(OnAlert alert_cb)
215     {
216         m_alert_cb = alert_cb;
217     }
219 private:
221     bool handshakeCb(in TLSSession session)
222     {
223 		//logDebug("Handshake Complete");  
224 		if (m_handshake_complete)
225 	        return m_handshake_complete(session);
226 		return true;
227     }
229     void dataCb(in ubyte[] data)
230     {
231 		if (m_plaintext.freeSpace < data.length) {
232 			//logDebug("Growing m_plaintext from: ", m_plaintext.capacity, " to ", 8192 + m_plaintext.length + m_plaintext.freeSpace);
233 			m_plaintext.capacity = std.algorithm.max(8192, data.length + data.length % 8192) + m_plaintext.capacity;
234 		}
235 		m_plaintext.put(data);
236     }
238     void alertCb(in TLSAlert alert, in ubyte[] ub)
239     {
240 		//logDebug("Alert: ", alert.typeString(), " :", ub);  
241 		if (alert.isFatal)
242 			m_closed = true;
243 		if (m_alert_cb)
244 	        m_alert_cb(alert, ub); 
245     }
247     union TLSImpl {
248         TLSClient client;
249         TLSServer server;
250     }
252 	@property inout(TLSChannel) channel() inout { 
253 		return (m_is_client ? cast(inout(TLSChannel)) m_impl.client : cast(inout(TLSChannel)) m_impl.server); 
254 	}
256 	bool m_reading;
257 	bool m_writing;
258     bool m_is_client;
259 	bool m_closed;
260     DataReader m_read_fn;
261     TLSImpl m_impl;
262     OnAlert m_alert_cb;
263     OnHandshakeComplete m_handshake_complete;
265     // Buffer
266     CircularBuffer!(ubyte, 0, SecureMem) m_plaintext;
268 	Vector!ubyte m_readbuf;
269 }